Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium


Calcium and Magnesium with Vitamin C and Potassium

Calcium and Magnesium are very important minerals needed by the body. Together they prevent osteoporosis, build strong bones, teeth and nails, help with pre-menstrual tension, reduce arthritis, is a natural tranquiliser, handles depression, reduces headaches and migraines, makes one sleep well, handles muscle spasms, keeps the heart beating regularly, dissolves kidney stones, prevents sore muscles, converts blood sugar to energy, handles epilepsy and more.


Calcium and Magnesium to be fully absorbed in the body needs to be in an acidic solution.


If your digestion is good, and you are off sweets, white breads, pastas, processed cereals, calcium and magnesium in tablet form could work and dissolve for absorption.


The Cal Mag in powder form (a mix of Calcium Gluconate and Magnesium Carbonate) with Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) which makes the acid base, becomes a clear solution when added into boiled water and then cooled with juice or water for consumption. It bypasses the digestive system and enters the blood stream directly, hence instant absorption.


Potassium is a key mineral for energy production within the cells. It is easily lost through perspiration. Magnesium helps to keep potassium inside the cells, thus reducing the effects of low energy levels and muscle cramps (heart muscle cramps = heart attack). For optimum cell function and energy production, potassium works together with Vitamin B1 to convert glucose to energy. Supplement with B1 for long lasting energy levels and mental sharpness.


The above symptoms mentioned can be handled with a combination of other vitamin and mineral supplements together with Cal Mag and a proper balanced diet.


What people have to say about Cal Mag

  • No longer highly strung
  • Sleep throughout the night with uninterrupted sleep
  • No tired feeling when I wake up
  • Greater mental sharpness and improved memory, more alert and aware
  • More energy throughout the day; gives instant energy and refreshment
  • Less headaches and migraines
  • Less dwelling on problems and in good mood all the time
  • Relax naturally when stressed out
  • Daily objectives far easier to achieve because I’m feeling OK
  • I take it for my bones; I do not want to end up with osteoporosis
  • Took away my joint pains
  • No longer irritable
  • Handles my insomnia, stress, digestive disorders and tiredness
  • Feel more stable
  • Allows me to function at my best, hence I enjoy life and enjoy achieving in whatever chosen sphere
  • Regulates my system
  • Helps with period pains and headaches associated with the pain
  • Prevents muscle pain during physical training


More data on calcium and magnesium

  • Stress – self produced cortisone demineralises the bones and increases urinary loss of Calcium and Phosphorous – this continues until stress is relieved.
  • A balanced diet with Calcium and magnesium prevents the loss and demineralization of the bones.
  • Cal Mag is readily absorbed into the blood stream after drinking it. However, when Calcium passes through the kidneys, it needs Vitamin D to assist in reabsorbing it into the blood stream, otherwise it gets lost in the urine.
  • Calcium is a must where any healing process is involved as it is a basic building block
  • Calcium Deficiency: sets up spasms in the nerves and muscles, state of high tension. Causes cramps and spasms. Spasms in the intestines = spastic colitis; spastic constipation.
  • Magnesium deficiency: increases nervous reactions; highly strung and volatile in character; very excitable or sensitive
  • Calcium and Magnesium are retained in the blood by being combined with albumin. A diet low in protein will not produce adequate albumin and those minerals are lost in the urine.
  • With a healthy kidney and with Vitamin D, 99% of all calcium passing through the kidney tubules is absorbed back into the blood.
  • Calcium aids in the transportation of nerve impulses. An undersupply causes nerves to become tense and one becomes grouchy; inability to relax and induces fatigue.
  • Calcium is essential for maintaining normal muscle tone or excellent posture and strong muscular contraction.


There will always be calcium in the blood; if it is not supplied in the diet, it is withdrawn from the bones. If phosphorous quantities are very high (from high protein diets) and are imbalanced in relation to calcium, the phosphorous combines with the calcium in the blood and is lost in the urine. This can induce severe calcium deficiencies. More calcium is withdrawn from the bones = onset of osteoporosis.


Calcium, magnesium and phosphorous need to be kept in balance. Calcium Phosphate is the basic compound of the bone structure. With all 3 present and balanced, calcium phosphate is readily deposited in the bones and this maintains strong bones.


Magnesium is deficient in our diets because it in not easily absorbed into the plants due to fertilizers which blocks it’s uptake into the plant.

Nutrition is the study of building and maintaining health. Nutrition is an aid to both the physician and the patient. One should avoid  "self doctoring" which can be extremely dangerous. When an abnormality occurs, two steps should be taken: one should improve his nutrition, and consult a physician. e-Health is a free service to raise awareness of nutrition as a means to build and maintain health and to reduce the individuals dependency on drugs to handle illnesses. For more information on health articles, personalised health programs or any questions, e-mail Allan Wohrnitz on

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